Certhon Innovation Centre for daylight-less cultivation

First ‘daylight-less’ crops are being grown at the Certhon Innovation Centre

Certhon, a designer and builder of greenhouses, started growing the first crops in its very own Innovation Centre several weeks ago. The company aims
Fertliser from waste flows for tomatoes

Flemish scientists produce fertiliser from waste flows

Bio-engineers from the universities of Antwerp and Ghent have developed a new type of fertiliser based on bacteria derived from food industry waste flows.
Basewell rooting technology by Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange introduces new rooting technology

Breeder Dümmen Orange is presenting Basewell™, a new rooting technology for ornamental plants. This state-of-the-art rooting technology will simplify the process of bringing ornamental

CropObserver offers growers more insight into a plant’s growth process

Growers are, of course, keen to ensure that their crops grow as optimally and quickly as possible. An efficient – or more efficient –
Greenhouse for algae cultivation

Eparella opens one of world’s biggest algae greenhouses in Austria

Greenhouse builder Debets Schalke has a built one of the largest greenhouse for the cultivation of algae in the world in Austria. The greenhouse
Pest monitoring forms the basis of good biological control. Knowledge of the ratio of harmful and beneficial insects is indispensable in determining the necessary control strategy.

Monitoring system for spider mite damage and yellow sticky traps

Pest monitoring forms the basis of good biological control. Knowledge of the ratio of harmful and beneficial insects is indispensable in determining the necessary