Education, business and research meet in challenging Dutch project

Education, business and research meet in challenging Dutch project

The World Horti Center was officially opened by Queen Máxima of the Netherlands in March 2018, although the building in the Dutch town of
Propagation via grafting and cuttings has big impact on plants

Propagation via grafting and cuttings has big impact on plants

Propagation by means of cuttings and grafting has a dramatic impact on the plant. Cuttings need to form new roots and vascular bundles have


The fungus Mycosphaerella, also known as Didymella bryoniae, can cause serious problems, particularly in cucumber cultivation. It can infect leaves, stems, flowers and fruits.
Rob Schoones, team leader of the Priva Academy: "The Priva Academy is a learning environment developed for the Priva organisation worldwide. At present, we are also using this environment to train our partners in the fields of Vertical Farming/Indoor Growing as well as Building Automation and Horticulture."

Presenting the proud winners of the GreenTech Innovation Awards (2)

Four companies were the recipients of a GreenTech Innovation Award, conferred last Tuesday after the opening of the trade fair in the RAI Amsterdam
World Horti Center opening

Great interest in the opening of the World Horti Center

The World Horti Center, the global centre for research and innovation for the greenhouse horticulture industry in Naaldwijk, was officially opened on 7 March
Researcher Angelo Vermeulen

What can the horticulture sector learn from the aerospace industry?

How is an astronaut similar to a tomato farmer? They both need to reuse their raw materials, proclaims researcher Angelo Vermeulen in Dutch newspaper
World of Westland will become the number one global knowledge and innovation centre for the greenhouse industry.

Construction of World of Westland begins

On 13 September, construction work on the Greenport Horti Campus in Naaldwijk started. The new name was also unveiled: World of Westland. In a