Wim Voogt: “We haven’t seen any negative impacts of high sodium concentrations in sweet pepper.”

Split-root system harvests sodium and removes it via the crop

The shift towards closed growing systems is forcing growers to take a critical look at their sodium figures. Would higher sodium levels affect the
Spodoptera exigua caterpillar on a leaf

Tomato spurs caterpillars to cannibalism

A tomato that has optimised its defence mechanism against insects will not only suffer less damage from caterpillars, but will also incite caterpillars to
Medicinal cannabis grows well under LED lighting

Medicinal cannabis grows well under LED lighting

Medicinal cannabis is excellent for growing in greenhouses with LED lighting. Some varieties of cannabis plants which receive LED light produce substantially more active
Four plants selected as promising suppliers of natural cosmetics

Four plants selected as promising suppliers of natural cosmetics

The ‘Plants4Cosmetics’ study that Wageningen UR–Food & Biobased Research was engaged to conduct by the Centre of Expertise for Plant Compounds, Bio Base Westland
The Extracts Library of the Plant Centre for Plant Compounds contains over 2,200 extracts obtained from horticultural crops in the Netherlands.

Centre of Expertise for Plant Compounds launches Extracts Library

Mid-December saw the opening of the Extracts Library of the Plant Centre for Plant Compounds at the Keukenhof. This library contains over 2,200 extracts