‘High-tech greenhouses the direction for Chinese horticulture’
As part of a joint venture with Haofeng Food Group, in 2018 the Chinese state-owned building materials company China National Building Material (CNBM) set

WUR innovative horticultural greenhouse increases water efficiency in Lebanon
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) embarked on a project in Lebanon last spring to improve water efficiency in horticulture and increase production. The greenhouse

Strengthening the Lebanese horticulture sector
We are working with Lebanese researchers to build mono tunnels that will improve vegetable production and simultaneously reduce water consumption. Yields of tomatoes and

Finishing up leftovers – a model for zero-emission growing
Greenhouse horticulture will have to be virtually emission-free in ten years’ time. By 2027, European growers must ensure that their drainage water is completely

A smart watering strategy can reduce emissions to almost zero
The adage that every downside has an upside even applies to the regulations on discharges, which are becoming ever stricter. Full recirculation in sweet

Propagator makes optimal use of raw materials at new site
With the future regulations and the obligation to treat discharged water, making optimal use of raw materials is becoming an increasingly important issue for

Big boost in tomato production with exact substrate measurements
“Passion for perfection” – that’s Dutch tomato growers Schenkeveld’s slogan, and not without good reason. Production and quality are already at a very high

Targeted fertilisation enables extra recirculation in pot orchids
Greater re-use of drainage water for pot orchids is one step closer with a new compound fertiliser. Phalaenopsis grower De Molenhoek in Bemmel, the

Watering to plant’s need is getting a step closer
The variation in mineral emission between different chrysanthemum growers is large. That is partly due to decisions made by growers. Yet to be able

Wageningen University tests water conservation technology in the Middle East
The greenhouse horticulture division of Wageningen University Research Centre is involved in setting up research centres in the field of water conservation in the