New Trichoderma strain provides impetus for healthy root environment

New Trichoderma strain provides impetus for healthy root environment

For more than ten years the application of Trichoderma fungi has been common practise in horticulture. They help cultivated crops grow better and become
Difficult to control mealybug gains ground in vegetable production

Difficult to control mealybug gains ground in vegetable production

Vegetable growers don’t like to admit that they have mealybug. A group of cooperating parties therefore sent a questionnaire to growers in 2015. From
Biobest develops new weapon in the war against aphids

Biobest develops new weapon in the war against aphids

Combating aphids with biological crop protection agents is everything but easy. This is why Biobest is involved in relentless research into new ways to
Bees and bumblebees useful for crop protection as well as pollinating

Bees and bumblebees useful for crop protection as well as pollinating

Bees and bumblebees are, thanks to their build and behaviour, good pollinators. But they have additional potential. They are also useful for disease control