Need for resilient crop stimulates interest in silicon

Need for resilient crop stimulates interest in silicon

The use of silicon fertilisers is clearly on the rise. Silicon can strengthen the resilience of the crop, and with an ever declining range
Damage caused by an excess of manganese and zinc is the result of too much trace element fertilisation combined with a sharply declining pH.

More measuring and timely tweaks keep pH and crop in balance

Growing media must allow plants to develop healthily all the way from the potting area to the living room. The correct acidity or alkalinity
A plant sap analysis is a snapshot of a plant’s uptake of the minerals that are available for growth at that moment. Growers receive the results very soon

Quick and detailed information on a plant’s mineral uptake

According to the advisers at the Dutch consultancy group HortiNova, fertilisation is a very precise science that can only be done properly if you
Shrinking supply of global phosphate forces critical look at its use

Shrinking supply of global phosphate forces critical look at its use

Phosphate fertilisation in soil-based cultivation is still often based on insights gained during the 1970s. More recent research indicates that you can use less