Royal FloraHolland introduced the Greenovation Award to promote as well as reward sustainability initiatives in the ornamental plant sector. The first awards were presented on 9 November. The winners were GreenBalanZ and Fresco Flowers.

The winner in the ‘Best Concept’ category was the Pure Orchids Concept by GreenBalanZ from Kudelstaart. The Eco Flowerbag by Fresco Flowers from Aalsmeer came in first in the ‘Best Article’ category. If it were up to CEO Lucas Vos of Royal FloraHolland, the Greenovation Award will become a tradition in which sustainability initiatives in the ornamental plant sector are honoured on a recurring basis.

Edible plants

To determine the winners, the public was invited to vote on the nominees that were presented by a jury of professionals, who had previously assessed all the entries sent in. GreenBalanz uses exclusively natural crop protection agents and organic nutrients in the cultivation of its Pure Orchids. The company obtained an SKAL certificate for organic farming in 2014. Not only that, their plants are edible! GreenBalanz grows its products in greenhouses that are not heated with gas, but with heat stored underground in summer and retrieved in winter. The jury: “GreenBalanZ is a pioneer in the organic farming sector. Pure Orchids is a fully sustainable concept.”

Waste as a raw material

Fresco Flowers use its waste as a valuable raw material. The Eco Flowerbag is a luxury carrier bag for flowers. Not only is it user-friendly, it offers flowers outstanding protection. The product is made from 100% recycled packaging material for flowers. The jury: “It is wonderful to see how waste can be transformed in a new, useful product.”

Source/photo: Royal FloraHolland.
