Cuttings production company in Uganda aiming for further growth
Xclusive Uganda – a company with Dutch roots − specialises in producing cuttings of chrysanthemum, kalanchoe and garden and pot plants. It supplies various

Neil Alcock: ‘Our focus makes it hard to decide which varieties to keep’
The small, close-knit team at Seiont Nurseries in Northwest Wales produces plugs and liners of shrubs, perennials and ferns for sale throughout the UK.

LED light catching on in fruiting vegetable propagation
Grow light has been widely used for propagating vegetable plants for many years. The tried-and-trusted fluorescent lights in climate cells and SON-T lights in

Dümmen Orange introduces new rooting technology
Breeder Dümmen Orange is presenting Basewell™, a new rooting technology for ornamental plants. This state-of-the-art rooting technology will simplify the process of bringing ornamental

Eparella opens one of world’s biggest algae greenhouses in Austria
Greenhouse builder Debets Schalke has a built one of the largest greenhouse for the cultivation of algae in the world in Austria. The greenhouse

Wageningen UR identifies ideal horticulture site on Mars
Research scientist Wieger Wamelink and student Line Schug of Wageningen University & Research have been conducting research into finding suitable locations to grow vegetables

First tentative steps with biochar turn out positive
Biochar is a type of charcoal which looks set to become widely available on the market in future. This product could have potential for

Trial aims to show how LEDs can be used to steer commercial crop
The application of LED lighting in greenhouse horticulture is still in its infancy. A few nurseries are already using LEDs, mostly red and blue.