Need for resilient crop stimulates interest in silicon
The use of silicon fertilisers is clearly on the rise. Silicon can strengthen the resilience of the crop, and with an ever declining range

Water treatment system maintains optimum oxygen supply
Sufficient oxygen in the root environment is a must for a strong, healthy crop. More oxygen makes the crop stronger and boosts production. That’s

Plants wouldn’t be green without magnesium
Magnesium fulfils many functions within the plant. The element is crucial for the activity of many enzymes. These play a role in photosynthesis, the

More measuring and timely tweaks keep pH and crop in balance
Growing media must allow plants to develop healthily all the way from the potting area to the living room. The correct acidity or alkalinity

Flemish scientists produce fertiliser from waste flows
Bio-engineers from the universities of Antwerp and Ghent have developed a new type of fertiliser based on bacteria derived from food industry waste flows.

Nutrient deficiency in peppers despite perfect drainage values
When several of the sweet pepper plants at Zwingrow in Honselersdijk (Westland, the Netherlands) were found to be growing more slowly than the rest,

Plant Health Cure presents explanatory video about root growth
Soil is a living organism is the title of a new 12-minute explanatory video by Plant Health Cure that shows ‘how roots grow and

Well-balanced root environment ensures good nutrient uptake
When you’re growing green peppers, you have to be extra alert to changes in the growing conditions. Consistent EC levels and good pH control

Tailoring fertilisation for pot- and soil-grown crops gets easier
Some relatively new coated fertilisers are giving growers more options for optimising crop nutrition. Aspects taken on board in the development process included calcium

Targeted fertilisation enables extra recirculation in pot orchids
Greater re-use of drainage water for pot orchids is one step closer with a new compound fertiliser. Phalaenopsis grower De Molenhoek in Bemmel, the

Quick and detailed information on a plant’s mineral uptake
According to the advisers at the Dutch consultancy group HortiNova, fertilisation is a very precise science that can only be done properly if you

Avoiding moisture shocks best remedy for preventing tip burn
Tip burn, or marginal necrosis, is a long-standing problem in tomato cultivation which occasionally rears its head in the new strategy of Next Generation

Potassium, the major organiser in numerous plant processes
No potassium no plant: A huge number of processes are dependent on this element. Luckily, hardly any problems occur because the plant is good

Shrinking supply of global phosphate forces critical look at its use
Phosphate fertilisation in soil-based cultivation is still often based on insights gained during the 1970s. More recent research indicates that you can use less

Controlling calcium is a complicated business
Calcium is a delicate mineral in the plant. A deficiency can cause problems such as blossom end rot in sweet peppers and tomato, burnt

How Dutch Sprouts wants to conquer the world
Henri Hekman was major shareholder of the BLGG Group, the leading laboratory for soil analysis. In 2013 he sold the company to Eurofins. But

Increasing range of plant strengtheners available
Manufacturers and horticultural suppliers alike have been expressing increasing interest in the development and market for plant strengtheners. A whole series of products based

Plant resilience is becoming the new standard
Resilient crops and robust cultivation systems are in the spotlight these days. We want plants that are tough enough to withstand disease from mere