Caterer builds world’s largest vertical farming facility
Emirates Flight Catering invests 40 million dollar to build the world’s largest vertical farming facility. In this facility, located near Dubai International Airport, the

Horticulture in 2050: lots more technology, but fewer entrepreneurs
If we were to make an analysis of the horticulture industry thirty years from now, we would see that horticulture businesses have morphed into

Skyscrapers with vertical farms possible solution for world hunger
On its website, the World Economic Forum mentions the cultivation of crops in skyscrapers as a possible solution for the world food problem. As

First high-tech vertical farm officially opened in Amsterdam
GrowX officially opened the first ‘high-tech vertical farm’ in Amsterdam on 1 November. The company grows various types of vegetables in a ‘food flat’

Certhon builds eight growth cells in new research facility
Certhon is building its own research facility next to its office in Poeldijk: the Certhon Innovation Centre. The Dutch greenhouse designer and builder has

‘Qlipr is a really interesting system to work with’
Paul Jeannet, farm manager of the UrbanFarmers rooftop greenhouse in The Hague, has used the Qlipr system for three months in four different crops:

Growing vegetables in an urban environment
Apart from Vertical Farming, there are numerous hybrid cultivation initiatives taking place in and on buildings, also known as Urban Farming and Rooftop Farming.

Electronics manufacturers express growing interest in commercial farming
Electronics manufacturers in Japan launched a number of Vertical Farming projects starting in 2008, initially with the aim of producing good LEDs and electronics

Vertical Farming is growing worldwide, especially outside the Netherlands
The cultivation of crops in the city, or Urban Farming, is beginning to arouse increasing interest worldwide. This often involves Vertical Farming, in which

Urban Farm UF002 De Schilde open to the public on 20 May
The biggest commercial urban farm in Europe will open its doors to the public on 20 May. UF002 De Schilde, the official name of

Wageningen UR for Greenhouse Horticulture’s Veggie Palace wins design award
Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture and its partners won a design award for its Vegetable Palace in West Flanders: an ambitious building for research and

UF De Schilde urban farm approaches completion
A lot of hard work is currently being done in The Hague on the topmost storey of a former Philips factory building, where a

‘Urban farming will not solve the problem of world hunger’
Urban farming is currently a hot item, capturing the interest of people all over the world. The roof of a former Philips building in