Dutch aubergines now also available in winter
Purple Pride will be offering aubergines grown under assimilation lighting starting this week. It is expected that over 100,000 kg of aubergines will be

Skyscrapers with vertical farms possible solution for world hunger
On its website, the World Economic Forum mentions the cultivation of crops in skyscrapers as a possible solution for the world food problem. As

WUR research demonstrates natural genetic variation photosynthesis
Researchers at Wageningen University & Research recently discovered a natural genetic variation for photosynthesis in plants, and have traced this all the way down

GreenBalanZ and Fresco Flowers winners of the first Greenovation Award
Royal FloraHolland introduced the Greenovation Award to promote as well as reward sustainability initiatives in the ornamental plant sector. The first awards were presented

Geothermal project Trias Westland ready for first drilling
The delivery and construction of the drilling tower for the Trias Westland geothermal project has been completed. The parts of the KCA Deutag drilling

First high-tech vertical farm officially opened in Amsterdam
GrowX officially opened the first ‘high-tech vertical farm’ in Amsterdam on 1 November. The company grows various types of vegetables in a ‘food flat’